Many have had a bitch about the publishing world, both independent and main stream. Well I have a phone, call someone whom cares bitch. Here’s a tip, don’t give a fuck! I don’t give two fuck! How’s them apples sun shine! The realty its hyper competitive with shit authors that write mindless amounts of at best can and should be called toilet paper. The truth is I would not do my ass the injustice of whip myself with half of the shit on the market. And change some of the names and you have the same fucking story.
Money is a bitch I’m a salve to it, like the rest of the poor humans that are reading this, so I do the best I can and yeah the editing department at my independent publisher could do with a bit of work…..And a swift kick up the ass mind you. For reasons I fail to understand human that writes book expected fame and money and the best whore there money can not buy. And the bitching go fucking on to a point where I just want to smash my head into a brick wall, for shit and giggles…….. I suck……
What is the fucking point?
Well don’t ask me this is rant! Remember I don’t give 3 fucks! I’ll spend ever fucking dollar I have on my work, be poor and have nothing. If that means I hungry I’ll go sprung off the old farts (Joke have a laugh) This is my art I fucking borne to do this shit and I’ll die telling story’s…… Then drag my ass out of my grave and go to work and pay for it all.
I’m going to shear a secret with you. Do you know what my dream is? Its to sit with fans or any humans and tell them story’s and the more I drink the more wild my lies will grow.
Yeah I know I’m fucking bonkers, I live in a world where nuclear weapons are pointed at my fucking head and yours. So whom is fucking mad?
Chester Bennington I do understand.
I am making a stand, I know what its like, take care good knight. RIP