There are two kinds of war, most one will never known or see it. The first war and most used in history is sword v sword, gun and gun ect. The death toll damaged to infrastructure in a non nuclear conflict would take years to rebuild. Many would suffer for years and die form disease and may will be set back years in development, if at all. Much land could never be use form crops due to contaminates used in war more will die in that time then the war itself . Starvation will kill more in the 5 to 10 years after the war. That is the power of todays arms and bombs, did you known government spend more researching weapons to wholesale kill people then in save them. In the event of a nuclear war…….There is no hard dater never the less it will be the hand of God that will reap form the land and the hearts of the humans races, death will not be measure in the millions but billions and continue to kill like the black plague in Europe and be a scare on the land for generation. If any human are able have kids due to the damaged of the reproductive organs and DNA due to radiation.
The second war is been fought right now unseen to you but raging white hot and any day could and will set fire to the world no one will be speared. This unseen war is economic, to give one an idea fuel price it go’s up and down and fluctuate wildly at different times of the year. Why? Some of it is driven by greed the root is OPEC whom control the oil market. Without warning OPEC can at will drive up the price of oil and there is nothing any nation can do about it. There is more but I’ll be here for a year explaining bilateral ties ect.
Debt that is what a nation own to other nation or its people is the economic nuclear weapon! To it self and the world. An example, USA has debt of 20 trillion USA is a nation of 4 trillion economy. ? The USA must lone more cash to pay debt in the form of bonds sold to you to pay back what is owns. But this is more debt been stack on and around she go’s. This will course a civil war and a real war when the USA blows up is cheque book. Did you known USA economic power lay in the petro dollar. China has single that it will be trade oil in Yuan, threatening USA power. This is a from of unseen war.
But the new frontier in the unseen war is the internet yet one has yet to see the fallout form this.
Why? Its call the fall of and empire and one wish to rise up in its place. History on a cycle of boom, bust war lost, death moments of peace then it starts in other cycle……… With a clash of ideology